Failure analysis can be divided into complete machine failure analysis and parts and components failure analysis, and failure analysis can also be conducted according to product development stage, failure occasion and analysis purpose. The working procedure of failure analysis is usually divided into clear requirements, investigation and research, failure mechanism analysis and countermeasures. The core of failure analysis is the analysis and Revelation of failure mechanism. Failure mechanism is a physical or chemical process that leads to the failure of parts, components and materials. The inducing factors of this process are internal and external. In the study of failure mechanism, we usually start with the external inducing factors and failure forms, and then study the hidden internal factors.
Corrosion failure analysis
金属腐蚀失效分析分类:均匀腐蚀失效分析,晶间腐蚀失效分析,点腐蚀与缝隙腐蚀失效分...Wear failure analysis
按照磨损的破坏机理,磨损可分为: ①粘着磨损; ②磨粒磨损; ...Fracture failure analysis
机械产品的失效一般可分为非断裂失效与断裂失效两大类。非断裂失效一般包括磨损失效、...Deformation failure analysis
变形失效分析一般分为弹性变形失效分析、塑性变形失效分析、蠕变失效分析、应力松弛失...Xenon lamp aging test
氙灯老化试验的原理 用经过滤光器滤过的氙弧灯光对涂层进行人工气候老化或人...IP dust and water proof test
IP(INGRESS PROTECTION)防护等级系统: 是由IEC(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRO...High temperature aging test
高温老化试验: 高温老化试验是针对高性能电子产品(如:计算机整机,车用...Temperature and humidity aging...
温湿老化试验: 温湿老化是指模拟高温、低温、高低温循环、高低温交变、高...