Stainless steel intercrystalline corrosion A -10% oxalic acid test

2017-03-07 Rongda test 914 times

Stainless steel intercrystalline corrosion A -10% oxalic acid test
Detection Content

Detection Purpose: Check the resistance of materials to intercrystalline corrosion

Detection range: Aluminum and aluminum alloy, stainless steel, nickel - based alloy and other metals and alloys

Stainless steel intercrystalline corrosion A method — & ndash; Stainless steel 10% oxalic acid etching test method:

It is suitable for screening test of intercrystalline corrosion of austenitic stainless steel. After the sample is electrolyzed and etched in 10% oxalic acid solution, the metallographic structure of the etched surface is observed under the microscope to determine whether it is necessary to carry out method B, method C, method D, method E and other long-term hot acid test.

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