API 624 test

2016-11-11 Rongda test 1004 times

API 624 test
Detection Content

Detection Purpose: Check whether the tightness of the lift-rod valve with graphite packing is qualified

Detection range: Graphite packing lift-rod valve

API 624 specifies the requirements and acceptance criteria (100ppmv) for low leakage type testing of open stem and lift-down rotary stem valves with graphite packing, previously tested in accordance with API622. Packing shall be in -29° & C to 538 deg. C (& ndash; 20 & deg; F - 1000 & deg; F). The requirements included in this type test are based on EPA21 principles. Valves larger than NPS24 or pressure greater than class 1500 are not included in this standard.

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